BRI – Radiology Room 6
- Client: Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Role: Project Management
- Value: circa £2.1m
- Sector: Healthcare
Project Overview
The provision of Project Management services for medical equipment replacement for the interventional Radiology department at Bradford Royal Infirmary.
Working with the Clinicians, Design Team and GE Healthcare to redesign the existing diagnostics room and adjacent area to accommodate the new ALLIA IGS 740, interventional image guided system.
The works comprise of asbestos removal and demolition of internal structures to create a new, fit-for-purpose diagnostic suite. The unit also provides a 5-bed recovery bay area, new ventilation to meet revised HTM requirements and dedicated UPS/IPS plant located in the room.

Services and value added
- Project Management through RIBA design Stages 2 to 6 including tender process and management of the design team.
- Contractor Procurement.
- Management of design team through a tight programme.
- Stakeholder management and engagement.
- Integration of master programme and recant strategy.
- JCT Contract Administration
- Maintaining access on the ‘hospital street’ from A&E to the Diagnostics Department during the construction works.