Airedale General Hospital
Client: Airedale NHS Foundation Trust (via AGH Solutions Limited)
Role: Programme, Project, Design and Cost & Commercial Management
Value: £100m RAAC Capital Programme
Sector: Healthcare
Project Overview
We were commissioned by AGH Solutions Limited who were acting on behalf of Airedale NHS Foundation Trust to deliver the Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Remediation Programme.
The programme consists of a number of capital projects including ward refurbishments, structural RAAC remediation works, a new modular build, a deck car park and other ancillary site wide works.
The programme is designed to reduce the risk of RAAC failure, and it is an enabler for the proposed redevelopment of the hospital as part of the New Hospitals Programme and the Trust’s transformation programme; “Securing the Future”.
Our current commission entails the provision of project, design and cost & commercial management services and a programme management leadership role. We are working with a fantastic collaborative client team and group of external partners to deliver this critical programme of works in a ‘live’ hospital environment.

Services and value added
- Project & Programme Management Best Practice – Out team are embedded in the estate function onsite and have created a digital best practice library for the team to utilise across all their capital projects. Training has also been provided including the use of MS Project software.
- Decant Programme Planning – The Programme Management role involves working closely with the operational teams and engaging with Trust Executives to ensure we deliver the programme, and risk reduction works as quick as possible whilst ensuring critical hospital operations are maintained at all times.
- Working within a ‘live’ hospital environment – All the projects are on the main hospital site, so we ensure that any disruption is kept to a minimum and the highest importance is given to all health and safety related interventions.
- Knowledge Sharing – We are engaging locally and nationally sharing knowledge of the RAAC component. The engagement includes Loughborough University, the Manufacturing Technology Centre and other NHS Trusts.
- KModern Methods of Construction (MMC) – We embrace MMC where it is feasible to do so. The programme also includes a large £10m new build 4-storey modular building which has been constructed at pace in 7 months.